Monday, November 12, 2007

I am seven...

I am seven
And I can climb a tree
To the very top if I want
But I don’t because I love my mother
And it scares her
To see me up so high
In the tree

I am seven
And I can bake a cake
And layer it with frosting and sprinkles
But my father tells me,
“You cannot bake until you are ten!”
I don't bake
Because ten is way far away.

I am seven
And I can read chapter books if I want
But I do not because my older brother
Says I’ll get bored with it real quick!
who wants to read and get bored?

I am seven
And I can cut the sleeves off my shirts
I can cut and I think I will
While no one else is watching!
And when they ask I will say
“sorry, I’m only seven”

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